This deck has work super well form me so far altough I han't had the most time with it yet. I know it seems wierd to have Sif and Devil Dinosaur in the same deck but it's still fairly easy to keep a 5+ card hand by the end of the game.
You want to do the usual Collector/Dino shenanigans in 1 location, dump cards like Cable and Agen 13 in another and suprise win with Ghost Rider by bringing back Infinaut in the 3rd. I tried running 2 big cards instead of just one but if proved to be too bricky. (That's the best case scenario anyways)
Armor is there as Nova and Shang-Chi protection but be careful not to turn off your own Shang-Chi. Yondu is there to counter Jubilee. I usually play him turn 4 if I flip first otherwise I keep him in hand. Shang-Chi is the felx slot of the deck. He's mostly there to help if you don't draw any of your big cards. Feel free to swap him for a different card if he doesn't come up often enough.