Discard with Modok & Apocalypse + Guide.
Deck Description
This is my Discard deck i build that works very well, specially on curve.
This deck got me all the way from Bronze to Platinum without fail.
There is a full deck explantion in this description, plus some counters good locations etc.
Deck is pretty straight forward, cards you want to discard are Wolverine, Swam and Apocalypse.
Some explanation why some cards are in here:
Sunspot - You can do nothing on turns because you want to wait for a better card to cut (discard), so Sunspot just grows easily.
Blade - Easy cut for cheap, but this is the worst card in the deck and be replaced for something else.
Morbius - Pretty easy gets bigger from the discards, works very well with Modok. Just dont discard it if you dont have to, it can reach 14 power sometimes.
Wolverine - Gets cut, comes back easy. You can keep this in hand the entire game till you play Modok and he will always come out.
Swarm - Most fun card in the deck, if you get lucky or get your discards correctly you can end up with 6 swarms of 0 cost. Always try to aim to cut it once and having 2 copies in your hand, then drop Modok and boom you got now 4 copies for 0 card on turn 6. Watch out for Sandman though!
Colleen Wing -She is only ment to cut Swam or maybe Wolverine, thats it. Its a garentueed cut which is better than the random ones like Sword Master
Moon Knight - Its not a reliable cut because its random, BUT it also discards one of youre opponent cards. If you have a land that clones Moon knight its really bad for the opponent losing 2 cards or more.
Lady Sif - One use, cut Apocalypse, nothing else. If you dont have Apocalypse in your hand dont use it unless it can cut Swarm.
Dracula - Actually a very good card and being slept on, this card elevates this deck and makes it better combining it with America Shavez and Apocalpyse.
Apocalypse - Talking about the big man himself, this is mostly your win con, let him grow bigger by getting discard and he might even up sometimes as big as 24 or 30 power!
America Chavez - So this is the odd pick for most people, but she will always appear in your hand at turn 6 which is good because it combos well with Dracula and ill explain this.
The game plan how to win easily is as follows.
You want to get some good cuts (discards) first like Swarm or Wolverine, if not you want Sunspot on the board and just let him grow.
I would advice from cutting anything if there are good cards in your hand you dont want to lose like, Dracula or MODOK .
(This is a discard deck so RNG is always a factor so you can be like me and have Modok, Apocalypse, Swarm and Wolverine in hand and Modok gets cut, it happens.)
So you want multiple copies of Swarm for 0 in your hand and on turn 4 you play Dracula then on turn 5 you play MODOK duplicating your 0cost swarms and beefing up your Apocalypse .
Now this is where the end game begins, turn 6 you get America Chavez which you would instead of Apocalypse but ONLY if you have Dracula
Why? Well, at the end of the game, you want only Apocalypse in hand so that Dracula discards Apocalypse one more time boosting it up +4 and THEN giving Dracula the power. So lets say youre unlucky the max you can get your Apocalypse is 8+4+4 = 16 (one cut from modok and second from dracula) which means your Dracula will be 16 instead of the 9 that America Chavez has.
The last cut from Dracula will also boost up your Morbius btw, giving a end game boost the opponent didnt see coming 9/10 times.
With the combination of getting mulitple copies of Swarm your last turn is very explosive, dropping up to mostly 4 copies of Swarm which is 4x3 power a America Chavez which is 9 power and making Dracula into a 16 power for a total of 37 power on turn 6/end game.
Some things i learned the hard way.
Colleen Wing and Blade dont synergies well together unless you play them correctly.
If you have CW (Colleenwing) in hand together with Blade, you want to play them both in the same turn. BUT put CW first and then Blade.
This way CW will cut swarm, giving you 2 copies and then Blade has a bigger chance of cutting Swarm again giving you 3 copies. Which if you follow this up with a Modok later will give you 6 copies of Swarm.
Off course this is all if your RNG is good, it could also you have 2 copies of swarm and blade just decides to cut your Moonknight or Sif or whatever else you have in hand.
Sometimes not playing anything is better than putting down a card that cuts a card you might needed. You might get a hand with only cutters, like Sif, Modok, Blade and Mk (moonknight) and if you dont want to have the chance of losing either Sif or Modok. Just dont play anything and wait. Sometimes getting the combo to pop off is worth more than 3 or 4 power on the board. ?
Same goes for revealing lands, sometimes there are really good lands for this deck and getting those to reveal and use them is awesome.
Dracula has one downside, it will discard one random card from your hand at the end of the turn, thats why Sandman is dangerous to face. If you have like 2-4 swarms you want to play at the end but they play Sandman. You cant play these and your Dracula might cut Swarm at the end and just have 3 power.
Also if your hand is empty at the end of turn 6, Dracula will have 0 power.
Hand limit is 7.
You might wonder why is that something to worry about. Well there are sometimes moments you might be able to get 6 or 7 or even 8 Swarms with some funky locations. If you have 7 cards you wont draw anything, this might block your combo piece.
It also prevents you from getting America Chavez at turn 6, which blocks your Dracula play.
Just keep it in mind.
Here are some cards that you might see that counter you hard.
Cosmo for typical reasons, no reveals no discards.
Sandman like mentioned before, but only counters your Swarm plays.
Rogue Enchantress it steals your Morbius effect.
Leech On turn 5 or sometimes 4 they play this your hand is ruined specially if they reveal first and you play Modok. Nothing comes back, cause they dont have an ability that makes them return so no more Swarm and Apocalypse.
Gambit If they run a deck based on just destroying your cards, its just RNG based what gets destroyed but works mostly.
Iceman Not a hard counter but if this hits your Modok its really annoying and stops the combo.
Strong & Weak Locations:
There a good and awfull locations for this deck.
Good locations: Quantum Tunnel Cloning Vats Sinister London Kamar-Taj Luke's Bar Wakandan Embassy
Quantum Tunnel just gives you more cuts, you put a card down with cut and gets replaced with something else. RNG depended though, it might screw you over. But fun land nonetheless.
Cloning Vats Gives you more copies of cards you want, like Morbius, Colleen, Sif even Sunspot can work.
Sinister London Gives you copies at other locations is just good, this deck doesnt play a lot of cards often.
Kamar Taj Pretty straight forward, double cuts double value. Works very well with Modok or Sif or even Mk.
Luke's Bar Cut something get it back do it again, just works.
Wakandan Embassy You might wonder why this one, well if you have Swarm or Apocalypse in hand while this activates they keep the power after getting discarded. For Swarm that even better all your 0 cost copies have 5 power is just amazing value.
Bad locations: Knowhere Dream Dimension Mindscape Lamentis-1 Weirdworld
Knowhere It blocks many decks, no reveals means no cuts just stops most of your plays. I reccomend to place your other cards here like, Dracula, Morbius, Swarm, Sunspot and America Cavez.
Dream Dimension Like i said before with Iceman this prevents you from playing Modok turn 5 and just knocks all synergy out the door but even worse your Swarms now cost 1 instead of 0. Just really annoying land to versus, leaving the match when seeing this land isnt that bad of option.
Mindscape For obvious reasons, they get your buffed up Apocalypse and even your Swarms you havent used. So use your Swarms before turn 6, to prevent that. Also this will block your dracula plays.
Lamentis-1 With a deck removing cards from your hand and having important combo pieces getting removed, this land gives your chance of winning so a big drop. Again all RNG depended on your hand the opponents.
Weirdworld I hate this location with almost every deck, you make this good synergy in your deck and now the opponent has it. Which also gives you 3 cards of your deck but them the rest. its just not a good time. And yes this also prevents you from drawing America Chavez .
Well that was all!
If this deck helps you out and you might have as much fun with it as i do!
And if this was usefull guide/deck let me know as well :)
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