Kazar/Chavez Swarm
America Chavez Deck
2.5 Rating
Deck Description
This deck is focused around playing efficient minions that get buffed by Kazar, copying them with Moongirl, and emptying its hand by turn 6 to finish with a Chavez while keeping Strongguy buffed. This deck is more challenging to navigate than the Dino/Girl list, but it has the potential to be stronger.
This is the main deck I used to hit rank 175+, along with the Dino/Girl list.
Deck Breakdown
Kazar/Chavez Swarm
Ant-Man 1 1
Nova 1 1
Rocket Racoon 1 1
America Chavez 1 2
Elektra 1 2
Nightcrawler 1 2
Squirrel Girl 1 2
Blade 1 3
Carnage 2 2
Strong Guy 3 3
Kazar 4 4
Moon Girl 4 4
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Test Hand
1st Sample Hand
2nd Sample Hand
3rd Sample Hand
Top 3 cards indicate opening hand and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc Draws.
Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm
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