Starting from a base Spectrum Tempo deck (from Rododobo @ I've made some modifications after 4 days of collecting cards.
This deck has a solid opening play ability with Quicksilver leading, but I by-pass my cost-5 cards by including an extra cost-3 with Cosmo (see why below).
I've replaced Wolfsbane (142) (3-1 +2 for each other) with Captain America (22) (3-3 +1 for each other) giving me a +1 power advantage over wolfsbane.
I'd considered replacing Colossus with Domino to ensure my 2nd round play, but the benefit of Colossus means someone's not going to go in and simply Elektra away my 2nd card. And with having Ant-Man, Hawkeye and Nightcrawler lurking around, that just gives me two other cards I could possibily play if Colossus doesn't show up in my hand early.
I replaced The Punisher (3-1 ongoing +1 per opposing card) with a solid area denial card like Cosmo (3-3) because it really frusterates the other players who are trying to drop in their own 3-cost Reveals (like Morph (which sticks them with a (3-0)) or Jessica Jones.
I'm hoping for good things with this, but may tweak in the future based on the power-curves.