Website improvements

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OPLoki Mosti 1 year ago

Dear All,

May I suggest to: make a connection between the decks available and the collection of heroes in each personal accounts or else a tick box of which heroes you have in the filter section where you type the hero name. This helps each user to know what teams s/he can create.

Any other ideas to this thread are greatly appreciated.


Loki Mosti



Last Edited: 1 year ago
urdleminibus 10 months ago

A checkbox showing which heroes you have in drift hunters the filter area where the hero name is typed. Knowing what kinds of teams each user can make is a big assistance. 


Katrin 9 months ago

I’ve been thinking for a long time about changing the domain name for my brand so that it would be more presentable and recognizable to my clients. I found out that there is a domain name generator here. I think now my site will be more recognizable and will gain even more popularity.

Bestione 7 months ago


I’ve been thinking for a long time about changing the domain name for my brand so that it would be more presentable and recognizable to my clients. I found out that there is a domain name generator here. I think now my site will be more recognizable and will gain even more popularity.

In today's world, payment security is one of the most important aspects of any business. After all, you don't want your customers to be worried about their money when they shop with you.


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Accepting cryptocurrency payments is a great way to improve payment security for your business. It can also help you expand your customer base as more people use cryptocurrencies.

Marshall D. Teach 7 months ago

Thank you for sharing.

Marshall D. Teach 7 months ago

In order to ensure myself a competent website promotion, I sought the help of a professional website SEO optimization team. I wanted to order outreach placement on thematic blogs and articles. Luckily I found link outreach service WMLinks and contacted them for help with this. We have been cooperating for more than a year now, the site is getting stable growth and promotion, which is far ahead of the competition.